SKA’s UVA Hotel & Conference Center Topping Out
SKA Consulting Engineers, Inc. is structural engineer of record on the new Hotel and Conference Center at the University of Virginia. It is a wonderful but complex project. Gilbane Building Company had a well-represented topping out ceremony yesterday. Gilbane’s Kevin McMichael and Erin Borzelleca were the perfect hosts to a perfect morning. SKA is excited to be working on this with TenBerke design, Hanbury, UVA’s personnel and the many other stakeholders. Continuing to look forward seeing this project come to life in the coming months.
Margaret Reed Gilbane
Stephen Dempsey UVA Facilities Management
Michael Joy, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB UVA Office of the Architect
Kirk Stanford, PE SKA Consulting Engineers Inc Charlottesville’s Office Manager
#designengineering #structuralengineering
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