Technical Session

Dave Tepke presents on Rehab of Existing Concrete Structures for ACI
November 17, 2021 - Recently, Dave Tepke spoke on the “Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures: Providing an Avenue to Safe, Quality Structural Repairs”, a webinar hosted by ACI. The webinar focused on the benefits of implementing a Concrete Repair Code for Code Officials, Engineers, Contractors, Owners, and the Public; deterioration mechanisms that affect buildings; and some important aspects of…

SKA Scott Singleton speaks at IIBEC 2 Day Course
November 03, 2021 - Our employees often participate in learning opportunities and, also present when it is appropriate to do so. We are fortunate to have many experts and thought leaders in the industry as part of our team. Scott Singleton is presenting a course for IIBEC entitled Exterior Wall Quality Assurance. Exterior Wall Quality Assurance is a two-day…

CAI Presentation “If these walls could talk, listening to your building to extend its life”
November 17, 2017 - Dave Tepke, PE, and Nick Tribble presented “If these walls could talk, listening to your building to extend its life” on November 16th at the CAI Conference in Myrtle Beach. The presentation was well received and the conference was a great time of learning and networking.

SKA’s Dave Tepke presenting this week at NACE Concrete Service-Life Extension Conference
June 27, 2017 - NACE Concrete Service-Life Extension Conference Columbia University, New York City, NY June 27-29, 2017 Dave’s talk will focus on: “A Look Back at Code Durability Requirements for 20th Century Reinforced Concrete” Wednesday, June 28 at 11:15 am Knowledge of code requirements and industry practice at the time of original construction can greatly benefit the assessment,…

SKA host SSPC ‘Developing an Effective Coating Specification’ course.
April 12, 2017 - Students gathered together for a SSPC Developing an Effective Coating Specification course which focuses on the technical requirements to consider when preparing specifications for coating work. The course lasted for three days and will end with an exam and certification. SKA co-sponsored the event and enjoyed hosting here in sunny Greensboro.
SKA is co-hosting a 3-day SSPC Concrete Coating Course, Feb.22-24, 2017 in Greensboro
February 01, 2017 - Join us Feb. 22-24, 2017… SSPC’s Developing an Effective Coating Specification training course. SKA is pleased to announce that we will be co-hosting SSPC’s training course February 2017 in High Point, North Carolina. Course Description SSPC Developing an Effective Coating Specification course focuses on the technical requirements to consider when preparing specifications for coating work with…