Majestic Square Storefront Window W...

Majestic Square Storefront Window Waterproofing

Charleston, SC


The Beach Company is a real estate management agency, founded in Charleston, SC, in 1945. The real estate firm manages several residential and commercial properties in and around downtown Charleston. One of their commercial office spaces on Meeting Street, known as Majestic Square, had been experiencing water intrusion on several storefront windows. During inclement weather conditions, building maintenance crews noticed water pooling in window elements, and running into office spaces floors below storefront window banks. Seeking to prevent further damage, The Beach Company hired Lesco Inc., a local restoration company, who contracted SKA Engineers to identify the source of window leakage and develop a mock-up repair to be systematically applied to all other leaking storefront units.

After removing the glazing, mullions, and surrounding drywall and trim pieces, SKA performed an initial visual assessment of the window unit, which was observed to have incorrectly installed weep components, and missing any sort of sill pan or end or side dams. To confirm the fenestration system itself was leaking, SKA engineers performed a sill dam test, which yielded the expected, previously observed, leakages under the window frames. SKA then developed a field solution which allowed the window framing to remain installed while inserting a sill pan under the entire window unit. SKA water tested the mock-up repair and together with The Beach Company management concluded the repair was sufficient to apply to the other leaking storefront window units. The night after the mock-up repair was completed the building experienced high wind and rain conditions; no leaks were observed the next morning.

Using the mock-up repair developed by SKA, The Beach Company plans on completing all waterproofing repairs while office spaces are vacant due to COVID-19 protocols, using labor provided by Lesco Restoration, Inc.


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